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Norse Mythology - A Collection
Collection by Marion Wadowski

Norse Mythology - A Collection

Norse mythology, the stories of gods and heroes from in and around the Viking Age (c. 790 - c. 1100 CE) in northern Europe, has provided us with some of the most famous figures in world mythology. Here, in this collection, we look at such...
Pirates on Shore by Howard Pyle
Image by Howard Pyle

Pirates on Shore by Howard Pyle

He Led Jack up to a Man Who Sat upon a Barrel' by Howard Pyle, an illustration for a 1921 edition of Jack Ballister's Fortunes by Howard Pyle and Merle De Vore (ed).
GCSE History: What Led the Elizabethans to Explore
Video by worcesterjonny

GCSE History: What Led the Elizabethans to Explore

The video looks at the reasons why the the Elizabethans were able to explore the world. The video helps support AQA's Elizabethan England, c1568–1603 and the Edexcel History GCSE topic: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588.
Dowding System
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Dowding System

Britain's integrated air defence system in the Second World War (1939-45), known as the Dowding System after the air chief marshal of that name, included code-breakers, radar stations, observers, searchlights, barrage balloons, anti-aircraft...
Edinburgh Castle
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle, towering atop Castle Rock, has served Scotland for centuries, at one time or another acting as a fortress, royal residence, seat of government, armoury, and prison. The scene of countless sieges, royal births and deaths...
Lancaster Bomber
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Lancaster Bomber

The Avro 683 Lancaster bomber was a four-engine heavy bomber flown by the Royal Air Force and allies during the Second World War (1939-45). Lancasters were particularly used in nighttime bombing raids and could carry the heaviest bombs ever...