Search Results: Dominican republic


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Martin Bucer
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Martin Bucer

Martin Bucer (l. 1491-1551) was a German reformer and theologian who had been a Dominican friar and priest until converted to the Protestant vision by Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) c. 1518. Bucer is best known for his focus on unity among...
Roman Republic
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Republic

In the late 6th century BCE, the small city-state of Rome overthrew the shackles of monarchy and created a republican government that, in theory if not always in practice, represented the wishes of its citizens. From this basis the city would...
Plato's Lie In The Soul
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Plato's Lie In The Soul

Plato's Lie in the Soul (or the True Lie) is a concept appearing in Republic, Book II, 382a-382d, defined as "being deceived in that which is the truest and highest part of or about the truest and highest matters" or, in other words, being...
17th Century Tortuga
Image by Unknown Artist

17th Century Tortuga

A 17th-century illustration of the buccaneer and pirate base of Tortuga, located on the northwest coast of Hispaniola (modern Haiti and the Dominican Republic).
Battles of the Roman Republic
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Battles of the Roman Republic

In this collection we look at some of the most significant battles that shaped the history of the Roman Republic. There were defeats such as at Allia River to the Celts in 390 BCE or at Cannae in 216 BCE when the Carthaginians led by Hannibal...
Christopher Columbus: Life and Voyages in the Age of Exploration
Video by Kelly Macquire

Christopher Columbus: Life and Voyages in the Age of Exploration

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 CE and died in 1506 at the age of 54. He became famous during his lifetime as the man who discovered the ‘new world’ - understood as the Americas generally during the Age of Exploration. Since the 19th...
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
Image by Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper mural by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 CE). The scene is a depiction of the final meal of Jesus Christ and his apostles. It is located in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, a residence...
Madonna of Mercy, Orvieto
Image by Web Gallery of Art

Madonna of Mercy, Orvieto

The Madonna of Mercy in the Orvieto (also known as Madonna of the Recommended) is a 14th Century CE tempura painting. This fresco is housed in the Chapel of the Corporal in the Orvieto Cathedral in Tuscany, Italy. The painting portrays...
Annio da Viterbo
Image by Dguasta

Annio da Viterbo

A portrait of the Italian Dominican friar Annio da Viterbo (c. 1432 - 1502 CE). Besides being a scholar, Annio was infamous as a forger of classical texts and inscriptions. (Museo Civico, Viterbo, Italy)
Territorial Expansion of the Roman Republic (c. 260 - 30 BCE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

Territorial Expansion of the Roman Republic (c. 260 - 30 BCE)

A map illustrating the expansion of the Roman Republic from its origins as a loose confederacy of allies and those called Latins in Italy (after the Latin War of 340 - 338 BCE) through more than 230 years of alliances, wars, and annexations...