Search Results: Ashland new hampshire


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New England Colonies
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

New England Colonies

The New England Colonies were the settlements established by English religious dissenters along the coast of the north-east of North America between 1620-1640 CE. The original colonies were: Plymouth Colony (1620 CE) New Hampshire...
The Visit of the Gypsies
Image by Jane023

The Visit of the Gypsies

The Visit of the Gypsies, a Franco-Flemish tapestry depicting a group of European nobles hunting, while a procession of gypsies (Romani) arrive from the left of the scene, made c. 1510. Wool and silk, 350.52 cm (138 in) x 487.68 cm (192 in...
Sarah Josepha Hale
Image by James Reid Lambdin

Sarah Josepha Hale

Sarah Josepha Hale (l. 1788-1879 CE), the writer and editor of the popular periodical Godey’s Lady’s Boo campaigned for the national observance of Thanksgiving Day beginning in 1846 CE. Painting by James Reid Lambdin (1807-1889 CE) Richard's...
Mosaic from Abbots Ann
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Mosaic from Abbots Ann

The Roman villa at Abbots Ann, near Andover, was discovered in the early 1850s CE. The portions of mosaic floors uncovered were in a bold and simple style, using large tesserae in a limited range of colours, but following Roman geometric...
Wolvesey Castle
Image by Michael Brace

Wolvesey Castle

Wolvesey Castle in Winchester, Hampshire, England. Wolvesey Castle was built in 1141 by Bishop Henry of Blois (c. 1096 – 1171 CE), the brother of King Stephen of England (r. 1135 - 1154 CE). The castle was the setting of the Rout of Winchester...
Titchfield Abbey
Image by Anguskirk

Titchfield Abbey

Titchfield Abbey in Hampshire, England. The abbey was founded in 1222 CE, and was where Henry VI of England (r. 1422 to 1461 CE, 1470 to 1471 CE) married Margaret of Anjou (d. 1482 CE).
New York and New Jersey Campaign
Article by Harrison W. Mark

New York and New Jersey Campaign

The New York and New Jersey Campaign (3 July 1776 to 3 January 1777) was a pivotal campaign waged during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) for control of New York City, the Hudson River, and the resource-rich state of New Jersey...
The Druids: What Do We Really Know
Video by ReligionForBreakfast

The Druids: What Do We Really Know

The Druids. The mysterious Celtic religious specialists of ancient Ireland, Britain, and Northern Europe. But who were they really? What historical evidence corroborates their existence? Bibliography: Andrew Fitzpatrick, “Druids: Towards...
New Kingdom of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

New Kingdom of Egypt

The New Kingdom (c. 1570- c.1069 BCE) is the era in Egyptian history following the disunity of the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782-1570 BCE) and preceding the dissolution of the central government at the start of the Third Intermediate...
The Conquest of New Spain
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Conquest of New Spain

The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492 to c. 1580) is an account written in 1568 of the early Spanish colonization of Mesoamerica, specifically the conquest of the Aztec civilization in Mexico from 1519 to 1521 when Díaz...