Search Results: Roman Mythology


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Roman Mythology
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Roman Mythology

The ancient Romans had a rich mythology and, while much of it was derived from their neighbors and predecessors, the Greeks, it still defined the rich history of the Roman people as they eventually grew into an empire. Roman writers such...
Chitrali Mythology
Definition by Muhammad Huzaifa Nizam

Chitrali Mythology

Chitrali mythology developed in the region of Chitral, the tallest portions of the Hindu Kush mountains, where the Chitrali people, at the juncture of South, Central, West, and East Asia, were exposed to many external cultural influences...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Myths are a part of every culture in the world and are used to explain natural phenomena, where a people came from and how their civilization developed, and why things happen as they do. At their most basic level, myths comfort by giving...
Greek Mythology
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Greek Mythology

Greek mythology was used as a means to explain the environment in which humankind lived, the natural phenomena they witnessed and the passing of time through the days, months, and seasons. Greek myths were also intricately connected to religion...
Ancient Egyptian Mythology
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian mythology was the belief structure and underlying form of ancient Egyptian culture from at least c. 4000 BCE (as evidenced by burial practices and tomb paintings) to 30 BCE with the death of Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic...
Armenian Mythology
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Armenian Mythology

The mythology of ancient Armenia is a rich blend of indigenous traditions with imported ideas from neighbouring cultures and migrating peoples added over the centuries. The legends and stories helped to explain natural phenomena, provide...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Mars was the Roman god of war and second only to Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. Although most of the myths involving Mars were borrowed from the Greek god of war Ares, Mars did have some uniquely Roman features. Mars is considered more level-headed...
Roman Warfare
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Warfare

Roman warfare was remarkably successful over many centuries and across many territories. This was due to several important factors. Italy was a peninsula not easily attacked, there was a huge pool of fighting men to draw upon, a disciplined...
4 Maps of Epic Ancient Quests
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

4 Maps of Epic Ancient Quests

In this gallery, we cross the ancient Mediterranean world four times to follow the adventures of four great heroes from Greek and Roman mythology. Here are visual representations of timeless tales of heroism, divine challenges, and fearsome...
Twelve Menacing & Protective Mythological Figures
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Menacing & Protective Mythological Figures

The term mythology comes from the Greek words mythos (“story of the people”) and logos (“word”) and so is defined as the spoken (later written) story of a culture. Modern scholars have divided myths into different types which serve many different...