Search Results: Delaware timeline


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Battle of Trenton
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Trenton

The Battle of Trenton (26 December 1776) was an important battle of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). On Christmas Day 1776, General George Washington led his Continental Army across the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack...
Philadelphia Campaign
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Philadelphia Campaign

The Philadelphia Campaign (July 1777 to June 1778) was a major military operation during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), in which a British army under Sir William Howe attempted to capture the revolutionary capital of Philadelphia...
Timeline & Battles of King Philip's War
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Timeline & Battles of King Philip's War

King Philip's War (1675-1678) was the pivotal engagement between the second generation of English immigrants who had arrived in New England and the Native American tribes of the region. The English won the war, and the natives lost not only...
Five Shillings from Colonial Delaware
Image by Harvard Hollis Images

Five Shillings from Colonial Delaware

A Delaware bill worth five shillings. The bottom caption reads: "To Counterfeit is Death". Minted in Delaware by James Adam (1724-1792 CE) under the authority of George III of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1760–1820 CE). Collection of the...
Delaware Regiment at the Battle of Long Island
Image by Domenick D'Andrea

Delaware Regiment at the Battle of Long Island

The Delaware Regiment of the Continental Army at the Battle of Long Island during the American Revolutionary War. Painting by Domenick D'Andrea, commissioned by the US National Guard Bureau, c. 2004.
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Image by Emanuel Leutze

Washington Crossing the Delaware

George Washington crossing the Delaware River on the night of 25 December 1776, to launch a surprise attack on the Hessian troops at the Battle of Trenton. Oil on canvas by Emanuel Leutze, 1851. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Timeline of Medieval Japan
Image by Marion Wadowski

Timeline of Medieval Japan

Illustrated timeline of Medieval Japan, showing the evolution of feudal society, religion, government and military through several periods: Kamakura Period (1185 - 1333) Muromachi Period (1333 - 1573) Sengoku Period (1467 - 1567...
Battle of Princeton
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Princeton

The Battle of Princeton (3 January 1777) was a small, yet significant, battle of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) in which the American Continental Army surprised and defeated a British force at Princeton, New Jersey. The battle...
10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia
Article by Jan van der Crabben

10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia's CEO Jan van der Crabben writes about the organization's 10-year history. Ancient History Encyclopedia just turned ten! On 25 August 2009, we officially launched the Ancient History Encyclopedia website by...
Timeline of Ancient Egypt
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Timeline of Ancient Egypt

A timeline showing all the key periods in ancient Egyptian history: - Old Kingdom (2613-2181 BCE) - First Intermediate Period (2181-2040 BCE) - Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE) - Second Intermediate Period (1782-1570 BCE) - New Kingdom...