Visual Timeline: Taifa

To navigate the timeline, click and drag it with your mouse, or click on the timeline overview on the bottom.

1030 CE 1040 CE 1050 CE 1060 CE 1070 CE 1080 CE 1090 CE 1100 CE 1110 CE 1120 CE 1130 CE 1140 CE 1150 CE 1160 CE 1170 CE 1180 CE 1190 CE 1200 CE 1210 CE  
1031 CE: The Umayyad Caiphate of Cordoba fragments; the emergence of the taifa system.
1085 CE: Alfonso VI, king of Castile and León conquers the taifa of Toledo.
1090 CE: The Almoravids take control of al-Andalus.
1144 CE: The second taifa system emerges in al-Andalus.
1172 CE - 1212 CE: The Almohads dominate al-Andalus.
1212 CE: Start of the third taifa period in al-Andalus.
1030 CE 1050 CE 1070 CE 1090 CE 1110 CE 1130 CE 1150 CE 1170 CE 1190 CE