Visual Timeline: Sepoy

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1520 CE 1530 CE 1540 CE 1550 CE 1560 CE 1570 CE 1580 CE 1590 CE 1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE 1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE 1730 CE 1740 CE 1750 CE 1760 CE 1770 CE 1780 CE 1790 CE 1800 CE 1810 CE 1820 CE 1830 CE 1840 CE 1850 CE 1860 CE 1870 CE 1880 CE 1890 CE  
1526 CE - 1857 CE: Sepoys are recruited by the Mughal Empire.
1757 CE: The East India Company forms the 1st Bengal Native Infantry, the first sepoy battalion.
1806 CE: East India Company sepoys mutiny in Vellore, southern India against their British officers.
1857 CE - 1858 CE: The Sepoy Mutiny (aka The Uprising or First Indian War of Independence) against the East India Company.
1895 CE: The old East India Company sepoy units are universally absorbed into the British Indian Army. Indians are now theoretically elgibile to become officers.
1520 CE 1560 CE 1600 CE 1640 CE 1680 CE 1720 CE 1760 CE 1800 CE 1840 CE