Visual Timeline: Isaac Newton

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1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE  
1642 CE - 1727 CE: Life of the scientist Isaac Newton.
1642 CE: Isaac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.
1665 CE - 1666 CE: Isaac Newton's 'year of wonder' when he makes many new scientific discoveries.
1665 CE: Isaac Newton graduates from Trinity College, Cambridge.
1666 CE - 1668 CE: Isaac Newton conducts optical experiments leading to the discovery that white light is composed of a spectrum of coloured light.
1668 CE: Isaac Newton designs and builds a reflective telescope, the first of its kind, for the Royal Society in England.
1687 CE: Isaac Newton publishes his laws of motion and universal law of gravity in Principia.
1687 CE: Isaac Newton is made a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
1687 CE: Laws of motion developed by Isaac Newton.
1693 CE: Isaac Newton suffers a nervous breakdown.
1696 CE: Isaac Newton is appointed the warden of the royal mint in the Tower of London.
1699 CE: Isaac Newton is made mint master at the royal mint in the Tower of London.
1699 CE: Isaac Newton is appointed a member of the French Royal Academy of Sciences.
1703 CE - 1727 CE: Isaac Newton serves as President of the Royal Society in England.
1704 CE: Isaac Newton publishes his discoveries on light in his Optics.
1705 CE: Isaac Newton is knighted by Anne, Queen of Great Britain.
1727 CE: Isaac Newton dies of kidney failure.
1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE