Visual Timeline: Dutch East India Company

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1600 CE 1610 CE 1620 CE 1630 CE 1640 CE 1650 CE 1660 CE 1670 CE 1680 CE 1690 CE 1700 CE 1710 CE 1720 CE 1730 CE 1740 CE 1750 CE 1760 CE 1770 CE 1780 CE 1790 CE  
1602 CE: The Dutch East India Company (VOC) is granted a 21-year charter to trade in Asia and search for spices.
1602 CE: The founding capital of the Dutch East India Company (6.4 million guilders) is raised from public share issues.
1602 CE - 1799 CE: The Dutch East India Company (VOC) is in existence.
1605 CE: The Dutch East India Company secures its first base in Ambon in the Moluccas (Spice Islands). The Dutch called the fort Kasteel Victoria.
1619 CE: Batavia (present-day Jakarta) becomes the Dutch East India Company 's main administrative centre and warehouse. It remains the capital of the colonial Dutch East Indies until 1942.
1619 CE: Jan Pieterszoon Coen attacks the kingdoms of Banten and Jayakarta. Jayakarta is burned to the ground and Batavia is built on the city's ruins.
1621 CE: The Banda Massacre. Jan Pieterszoon Coen, 1,655 soldiers and 250 Japanese mercenaries land on Lontor (present-day Banda Besar). More than 10,000 Bandanas are killed and the Dutch secure a monopoly on nutmeg.
1623 CE: The Amboyna Massacre. Ten Englishmen, nine Japanese, and a Portuguese trader are tried and executed in Amboyna (present-day Ambon). The Dutch believe there is a plot to seize their fortress and assassinate the VOC governor-general.
1634 CE: Abel Janszoon Tasman leaves Batavia in search of gold and silver for the Dutch East India Company and a sea passage across the Pacific to Chile.
1696 CE: Willem de Vlamingh is sent to search for two Dutch East India Company ships and is instructed to chart parts of the Western Australian coast. He and his crew become the first documented Europeans to sight the Western Australian black swan.
1760 CE: The annual profit for the Dutch East India Company is six million guilders.
1780 CE: The Dutch clash with the English in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War. The British Navy destroys the Dutch fleet and severely disrupts its East Indies trading route.
1799 CE: On December 31, 1799, the Dutch East India Company is formally dissolved by the Dutch government. The company existed for nearly 200 years.
1799 CE: At its height, the Dutch East India Company’s stock is worth 78 million Dutch guilders (approximately USD 7.9 trillion).
1600 CE 1620 CE 1640 CE 1660 CE 1680 CE 1700 CE 1720 CE 1740 CE 1760 CE 1780 CE